Q ED2355: Children’s Literature: A Gateway to the World Bookshelf Assignment In the readings for this week and from Dr Wiehe’s advice, we learn of misconceptions about Africa and some “dos and don’ts” for choosing books that avoid stereotypes and represent an aspect of Africa that expands the often narrow perspectives of this continent. For this assignment you are to demonstrate what you learned about selecting children’s books that represent Africa (as a place, people, cultures, histories) and the readings. Your task: Select 3 books about Africa that, when using the criteria we reviewed in class, represent Africa in authentic (as possible) and non-stereotypical ways. Few books are perfect so if your book does well in some areas but not in others, note both. Use these resources to look for books. Be sure you are looking at books about Africa or the African diaspora (not African Americans). CABA (Children’s Africana Book Awards): http://africaaccessreview.org/childrens-africana-book-awards/ Africa Access Review: http://africaaccessreview.org Storybook project: https://www.africanstorybook.org Social justice books: https://socialjusticebooks.org/booklists/africa/ Sankofa Reads: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLBquMIehDL8Mv0ttSv6lzQ THE ASSIGNMENT Part 1: Write a paragraph about your take-aways from Dr Wiehe’s presentation. What are the key ideas you think are most important? Part 2: Select 3 books. about Africa that, when using the criteria we reviewed in class, represent Africa in authentic (as possible) and non-stereotypical ways. You can copy and use this chart if it helps you to include all required aspects. Title and Author Image of Cover with short summary. Link to a read aloud (or PDF) of book Explain, referencing at least 2 specific criteria (note the corresponding number and letter from the criteria sheet), why you selected this book. (See video, PPT and readings for 2/24) Since no book is perfect, note concerns you have, using the specific criteria. If you do not have a concern, then raise a question. Do not leave this part blank. Demonstrate you are thinking about the difficulties of representation. Show your curiosity. Part 3: What did you learn about choosing books? After charting your 3 books write a short paragraph that highlights what you learned about the possibilities and challenges of selecting quality children’s books about Africa (people, culture, place).
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